Hoda Zekavat

Life Coach, Shadow Worker, Public Speaker & Writer

Remember, saying goodbye to the old ways isn’t saying goodbye to your roots; it’s simply choosing what it is you want to keep, and disempowering what no longer serves you. OR Your subconscious mind has in ability to reject. It’ll believe anything you give it

Hoda was born in Iran into a strict religious environment, but was raised in Canada, where she became a Christian convert, and was taken back to Iran as a teenager.

In her search for truth, she became agnostic for several years in her twenties, then Muslim for several months, only to find that the truth isn't to be found outside oneself.

Hoda’s journey of liberation from black and white thinking has been lengthy and painful, impassioning her to create a course series called Love your Phalva.

Love your Phalva takes the individual from self-awareness to healing, to goal-oriented self-leadership within a year.

In her sessions, through Hypnosis and Shadow Work, she lovingly leads her clients where healing can be achieved. The result of a session with Hoda has been said to be renewed energy, clarity, peace, motivation, readiness for what’s ahead, and most of all, transformed relationships.

Check out her work here: